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Mosquito Activity

This page is designed to showcase what real-time mosquito activity monitoring can do.


MozTrack IoT insect tracking devices around the city of Perth and South West of Western Australia are reporting real-time information for public viewing.


Please note that  this is a technology demonstrator and so there is no guarantee that all sensors are running or indeed that the data is 100% accurate.


These sensors are detecting any mosquitoes passing through a volume of approximately 500mm X 300mm X 4000mm




Daily mosquito activity numbers for the last nine days from the detection site. Below is a more graphical history chart.

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Real time chart of mosquito numbers detected in 10 minute intervals from the detection site. The last few days shown for comparison.


Mosquito numbers detected in a suburban setting at 10 minute intervals integrating data from a number of MozTrack devices spread over the area.


Using data like this it may be possible for instance to detect the source of  some of these mosquitoes, perhaps a neglected home swimming pool.

Ross River Virus Risk South Western Australia. MozTrack real time mosquito numbers

Why do we need MozTrack?

Mosquito surveillance is costly and difficult task largely done by physical trapping and manual identification. An automated system would give valuable early warning alerts so we can more efficiently tackle these mosquito borne viruses and their human impact.

Don't just take our word for this crucial surveillance, the Australian Federal Government announced on the 11 March 2022 a $69 million response to Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) which includes $17.5 million in funding for mosquito surveillance. Check out the announcement here



Real-time monitoring (simulation) of pig farms in Perth and South West Australia for mosquitoes to see which farms might be at risk of the Japanese encephalitis virus

What is MozTrack?

MozTrack is a device for the automated surveillance of insects of significance to our health, biosecurity and agriculture. It’s also a system for monitoring and mapping insect activity over suburban and rural spaces using a distributed network of MozTrack devices.

Each device can track mosquitoes and other flying insects within a 1 to 7 meter range with a sampling time of seconds. It will process and classify its subjects adding the resultant information such as images, species, abundance, collection time and local weather information to a Cloud database service. 

No lures or manual inspection of traps is necessary, the entire device is robust, portable, solar / battery powered and low in cost. These devices can be located in suburban backyards for metropolitan surveillance or near known mosquito active areas for remote surveillance of say wetlands. In a suburban situation the home owner can listen out for audible mosquito alerts from the device in real time.

The device uses industrial machine vision digital cameras, sophisticated image processing software and optical tracking technology. The device is connected to the Internet via long range radio (LoRa) or Wi-Fi and operates using IoT (Internet of Things) protocols. 

Further upstream the data is cloud based and accessible via advanced internet API technologies. The end users will have access to detailed insect activity, insect temporal and spatial real time maps (similar to weather radar if enough devices are deployed in an area). For researchers the information lends itself well to AI Data Mining techniques and Big Data analysis.

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